Lonneke from Leth Dans
Dance company for youth. Our studio is located on the BINK36 site.
Binckhorstlaan 36 (M6.01)
2516 BE The Hague
Tel. 06 283 52 309
How do I get to the studio?
Drive through the barriers (ticket is 2 hours of free parking)
Drive around the 1st building.
There is a company called Colorworks on the corner of the 2nd building, next to it there is a black door, you go in there. At the end of the hallway you take the elevator to the 6th floor and there is our studio.
Please note!: During the weekend and after 7:00 PM all are small
entrance doors closed.
Then you have to walk between the two buildings (i.e. Colorworks on your left). After 25 meters you will see a large M on your left, enter there.
Take the elevator on the left to the 5th floor. Turn right 3 times (so you end up behind the elevator), cross the hall diagonally and walk through the very long corridor, at the end of the corridor you go through the door
Take the stairs to the 6th floor.