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Special education

Lonneke van Leth Dans invests in all types of education, so that all children can discover and experience dance.

In recent years, a lot of experience has been gained with dance in special education, both in The Hague and in the rest of the country. We are still developing and would like to do this together with special education in sustainable partnerships.

By specifically looking at and talking about the needs and wishes of the school and the students, supplemented with the possibilities of the students, we develop substantively strong learning programs. Recognition, connection and self-awareness are of great importance in special education when getting to know dance and our teachers. The result is amazement that experiencing and understanding yourself is really possible and has added value.

Do you also want tailor-made solutions for your special students?

Contact our Education employee.


Lonneke from Leth Dans

Binckhorstlaan 36 (M601)

2516 BE | The Hague

06 18086012

The Hague Dance Company for Youth!

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